Saturday, February 28, 2009

Where th shit is charmaine?

People,kindly stop adding me on Msn from friendster and facebook and asking th same questions all th time if you don't know me-.-
All th same pattern.

Argh,nevermind,forget it.

Chinese tuition today was funny.

Haha,lucky it was cos' i was really tired at that time:/

So i can't stay in Sg next week anymore?

Cos' i think studying back here in M'sia is much better(:
Jiayou luh Charmaine,you can do it manxszxsxzxc!


Anyway,i went bloghopping and found some really touching things that taught me that true love exists on earth,no matter where th both parties are,if you have th heart to maintain th r/s,it's possible.



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