Tuesday, February 10, 2009

If you said goodbye,i probably will say goodnight.

Jump up and say yay man!
I removed my extensions that was so uncomfortable-.-
Thou' my hair is so super fckin' short now that i feel like cutting it botak.
Retard i look can?
Unless i reborn it..
But it's so super comfy like a pillow is stucked onto my head :)

Why am i getting so *no meaning* nowadays?
I somehow don't know what i'm doing.
But one thing i'm sure is that i want 'O's to pass like faster please?!?!
I have alrdy planned what to do aft that and i look so forward to it.

I've got so many things on my mind to do but i've to complete it one by one.
I wanna work asap.
Cos' i think working is fun:]
I wanna get as many branded stuffs as possible.
Esp LV okay!
I would stop repeating th wish i want it to come true th most.
Like almost everyone knows...
Don't think i'm crazy over a country okay,it has meaning.

And to dearest Mr TanLeeSze who is reading my blog;
i wanna hereby declare that i love physics TTM!


You made me hold on to it.

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