So went to meet Momo w Bestf and Yingling ytd morning at 9.
We met Bh then took 963 to Harbourfront.
Played ard on th bus.
Christine looked touched and happy upon receiving my present(:
Hope she really likes it.
Then reached Vivo.
Went to Daiso first.
Got a ball there and some drinks then off we went to take th Monorail to Sentosa(!)
Reached Sentosa.
First,went to th food court to have lunch.
Then Ling and me went to prepare th Birthday Cake and stuffs;
While th other 2 brought Christine to th beach to talk and stuffs-just to distract her.
Then we lighted th candles and brought th cake towards her.
We bought another small slice of cake to bash her up.
I bash-ed her w th cake and Ling brought th cake to her.
Sang bday song then started playing in th water.
Th water was super cool luhs.
We didn't have time to eat th cake and i think th cake dissapeared after that:x
Played for ard an hour or so then we were told that a Storm was coming.
Packed up and went to bath.
Trained back to Vivo and meet Alex.
Christine went to Coffee Bean to buy her Hot chocolate and th rest of us had FREE fresh milk there.
Darm funny luhs.
I wanted to get my Extensions done so trained to Orchard.
Went to Far east.
Got my hair done then trained to Bugis.
Alex wanted to buy things.
I kept commenting that Alex dressed up like he was going to celebrate Sg's National Day as he wore Red and White Converse 3/4 pants.
Then i said whereas he looked like he was going to attend a funeral by his Black/white top.
Reached Bugis.
We ran off;to appear MISSING.
Then A said this was his first time to Bugis.
Momo and Christine got their Little Miss tees.
Then we went on to help A choose a shirt for a wedding dinner.
How come everyone seems to be attending wedding's lately?
More people are getting married?:/
I wanted to find a top but to no avail.
Then Ling said she also wanted a Dress for a wedding dinner-.-
So looked for it.
But to no avail:/
Then everyone was tired by then.
Went to Bugis Junction to have dinner.
Then on our way back to th Mrt station,someone stopped Ling as she was th only one walking real fast,leaving th rest of us behind.
That someone was from a Modelling agency i think.
Then asked Ling about her particulars.
We looked at th namecard she gave Ling and saw that her name was Aishu.
Then A and B said that Aishu=I love to lose.
Then when they walked past that China woman,they kept repeating I love to lose.
B:I love...(*He tripped)I love...
A:To loseee...
*Both started laughing madly*
So on th train,A accidentally slipped.
A slight slip but i said he was dancing Modern dance on a train.
Then kept teasing him by repeating his 'Dancing steps.'
Then he said i was a witch-.-
Then say what his mum taught him not to lie and stuff.
Then i said he my mum told me to tell people things TRUTHFULLY too.
So i told him he looked like Michael Jackson.
Me:Actually alex,you don't look like Michael Jackson lah.
Me:Just that Michael.J looks like you*grins*
Reached Woodlands,all seperated.
Me,Cosy and Syl went to take 950.
While waiting for bus,someone whispered my name in my ears.
Look behind,yuan lai is two lame people haven't go home.
Then we tricked A.
Told A to close his eyes.
Then wanted to show a punch to him.
Then he knew it.
Opened his eyes in time.
I had a bet w Christine on th way home.
But i've full confidence i'll win.
Let's see(:
Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D
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