Saturday, December 6, 2008

I'm trying to walk away.

Went to watch Bolt w my bro ytd night.
Not bad?
Quite touching.

I want watch th 3D oneeeeee!
I wanna change it.
I'm th owner yet i don't have th privacy.
Scold me?
Then i say back luhs.
Biatch* somemore.
Th link is because he asked me to link him.
I gave you my password to ask you to help me do my blogskins.
Not to invade in and simply always delete th things.
I didn't give anyone th website.
I swear.
Forget it.
Since i'm a BITCH what-.-

No wonder ___ didn't want you to go that day.
No wonder ___ didn't like your character.
I helped you somemore.
Why am i so stupid?
Always believe you.
Then now,you come scolding me;Bitch right?
I understand i'm really naive now.

I forgave you that time.
Then now come scold me.
I will never forgive or whatever you again.

Don't come back and beg me for anything.
Darm it.

FYI,this person i'm scolding is my so-called good friend,she's in my links.
Go read her post.
I'm proud to be her vain-biatch.

I now finally understand th phrase 'Being nice doesn't repays.'


Still text me and say you scolded me one line only.
Oh.But your one line included a BITCH inside.
At least i've th basic courtesy not to scold you a bitch.
Cos' seriously,you are more * than a bitch.
Put it in a super harsh way.
Now i understand why you are so close w her.
Cos' both have th same character.

Here,i shall promise never to befriend you again.
It made my decision more clear-er after you message.
Should i thank you?

You just told me NOT to give people th website never say i can't link him right?

You should be more clear headed.
See BIG w your eyes who actually likes your character and who doesn't.
Oh,but sadly,you don't.
Thou ___ didn't like you,but she didn't show it.
*Fyi,____ is not th same person.
Another ____ didn't like your character,told me never to forgive you since that incident,but i still did,somehow.
Then this is what i get.

After you sent me th message a few minutes ago,you should know what are th consequences.
Our friendship has broke.
And never will heal again(:

Please don't come back crying for my forgiveness;
Don't beg me like th other time.

You should go to New Zealand real soon.
So i can save my eyes from looking at *'s.

Go la.If you really can...

I'm just so good not to expose you.

I actually don't mind telling you guys who this person is.
But i don't think it's not necessary cos' it's really obvious.
That person's link is really special.
No one has it.
No need to be honoured,my dearest 'friend'.

To all,this is th longest post i've ever posted.
Sorry that th language is quite...
But hope you guys can understand.

Yours sincerely,

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