Thursday, November 6, 2008

I have a dream:B

My dearest Idol won th U.S Presidential Election:]
Knew he could do it.
Barack Obama rocks man.! :D
His just one great man.
A genius of all times(:
My newest idol;th one i would learn from.
His story is an Extra-Ordinary one.
And so,th world should learn from him.

Was too tired to blog yesterday.
Blog today instead(:

After 'O's yesterday;
Went to Momo's house to bath.
Then heard th new's that Obama won!
Super high~
Went back to school to meet Q,C and R.

Met A at th Basketball court then went to B's house.
All of us helped B dye his hair(:
Thanks for entrusting us in your virgin hair:/

Dined@Yoshinoya yaw!

Skipped school today w Christine,Yingling,Rinna...


Ohyes,i'm changing my blog's url soon.
If you're clever,you will find it(:

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