School was as per normal.
Till 'Spring cleaning' came.
Which i now strongly think they should change th name to 'Annual go-wild carnival':/
Cos' people just make use of Spring cleaning to play water or fool around while only a few little people really doing their serious business:x
Sad to say,i'm in th first group;that is,to make use of Spring cleaning to play w water.
Actually i didn't had th idea of making myself wet):
Then,Wendell started splashing water at me.
Tic for tac,i splashed him back;w more water.
And this time,there was no end to it alrd.
And this time,there was no end to it alrd.
Made myself cold and wet after thatD:
Thanks for th jacket(:
Yingling was actually gonna follow our class to NYP for th so-called Ice-cream course.
Then,Mrs Eng told her to go w her own class and so,i was left alone:/
I really dread th feeling of loneliness manxszxsc!
Especially after today.
Got a call from Wendell that freak me out of my life:x
Was so worried it was real then i will be guilt-ridden for th rest of my life man!
Better not play this kind of tricks next time.
Not only made me scared;people i told were worried for you all too.
But it was okay w Minghui;since she's really nice(:
So fooled around in th lab;w serious moments as well:]
Then,took pictures w Yanhong!
Then homed w Yingling and Christine.
Going for a Haircut w CYD tmrw(:
Pictures we took at URA(w/o editing;lazy;x)---
S.yl;C.swl;L.jl;T.xh--Hello planet!
3Taitai's,what you all doing?o.0
Formal lady shot:x
I have to go for PTM tmrw for my visiting th Absent Centre too often:/
But at least,i got what i want(:
Congrats to Alex for successfully promoting to Sec4E.
Told you no problem alrd(:
Congrats to Yonghao for successfully promoting to Sec2E.
Lastly,congrats to me too:)
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