Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I felt th pain in my heart as i hear your sorrows.

Heyyo planet earth!
Spent th whole afternoon editing th blogskin codes and stuff like that:/

&It's finally done!



Hopefully it's nice to you cos' i think i did quite a good job this time(:

Got back my geography results today.

I scored 29/50 for it.

Thou i think i should have put in more effort and achieve a better mark.

Well,i'll let bygones be bygones and study really hard for next year;for my '0's:]

I wanna get back my a-maths result.
Hopefully i can achieve what i want because i really worked hard w a year's practise for it;x
Good luck to me(:

SS results tomorrow?
Another shocking one i think:/

I've decided to really work hard for my chemistry this dec holidays.
I've really got some work to do:x
I need to start building up my chemistry foundation so that i've got less to cover in Sec4:]


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