Met Diana at msia custom at 11.
Went to sch for Chinese Extra Lesson.
See,charmaine's so well behaved(:
After th oh-so-boring lesson,went to cwp w Q,C,H,R.
Ate Snow-yogurt.
Bought leg & hand bands:]
Had been wanting to get them.
Going for piano lessons.
Will be back again later(:
How many times do i want to be back?
Friday, October 31, 2008
Absent for th 54357518654th time for school:/---That's my baddy,bad habit yaw!
Hello readers(:
Charmaine didn't go to school for Bridging Programme today.
Was super tired this morning to go to school:/
So i'll be back later.
Probably in th evening/night to blog!
So till then,
Charmaine didn't go to school for Bridging Programme today.
Was super tired this morning to go to school:/
So i'll be back later.
Probably in th evening/night to blog!
So till then,
Thursday, October 30, 2008
You have stamped a place in my heart & i'm trying hard to erase it.
Oh yayyyyy!
Finally you're transferring to another school for good.
But i really pity th students you're gonna teach there:/
Went to URA centre again.
Was okay but th potatos there are absolutely delicious yaw! (:
2days;4hours and i'm right at page120 of Twilight.
It's th fastest book i've read in my progress so far.
I'm so proud of Charmaine(:
Vampire-ry love is so madmadmad!
Finally you're transferring to another school for good.
But i really pity th students you're gonna teach there:/
Went to URA centre again.
Was okay but th potatos there are absolutely delicious yaw! (:
2days;4hours and i'm right at page120 of Twilight.
It's th fastest book i've read in my progress so far.
I'm so proud of Charmaine(:
Vampire-ry love is so madmadmad!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I'm freaking touched C.osy,ily! :]
This post is specially to thank my dearest wifeyyy;ChristineOSY! (:
Thanks alot for th really long belated present thou.
Saw th effort and time you needed to put into this present.
Fyi,its a photo album w all our old pictures and memories tgt :}
I'll post th pictures another time.
Thanks alot for th really long belated present thou.
Saw th effort and time you needed to put into this present.
Fyi,its a photo album w all our old pictures and memories tgt :}
I'll post th pictures another time.
If it's fated,we'll be able to go to aussie tgt as what you said(:
Forks is a place i wanna go now(:
Reached home really early today.
Went home alone:/
There always must be a few times for me to go home alone in a year):
Reached home,bathed,ate then went to sleep.
I am having and had a bad headache till nowD:
Was super tired cos' i slept at 12 ytd night for reading Twilight and woke up 4.30 in th morning:x
And omg,Edward Cullen is so super hot in th story yaw!:D
Before i read th story,i didn't understand why so many people likes it so much.
After i started reading,it justs interests your mind and makes you wanna continue reading on.
I wanna catch th movie as soon as it comes out(:
Click to watch th trailer of Twilight(movie).
Lastly,its in Dutch today.
Reached home really early today.
Went home alone:/
There always must be a few times for me to go home alone in a year):
Reached home,bathed,ate then went to sleep.
I am having and had a bad headache till nowD:
Was super tired cos' i slept at 12 ytd night for reading Twilight and woke up 4.30 in th morning:x
And omg,Edward Cullen is so super hot in th story yaw!:D
Before i read th story,i didn't understand why so many people likes it so much.
After i started reading,it justs interests your mind and makes you wanna continue reading on.
I wanna catch th movie as soon as it comes out(:
Click to watch th trailer of Twilight(movie).
Lastly,its in Dutch today.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Time for photos(:
I've decided to let it go.
As i promised:
Current song:Love you so-Natalie
Current mood:Totally exhausted:/
Current mood:Totally exhausted:/
Took 856 in th morning and it brought us all th way to Sembawang instead of Cwp:/
Walked all th way from th bus-stop to Sembawang's Mrt station.
&th weather these days are just so 'cool'.
Went to Causeway point.
Saw Diana and co th first thing we stepped into Cwp.
Yingling wanted to buy her hair band so went to Chamelon.
Anw,i got a freaking 'surprise' from my dearest asshole man.
Thanks ah:/
Lunched@Pizza hut next.
Okay,lunching w my dearest asshole is just freaking...:/
His just so super-uber 'quiet'?
Just can't stop his mouth from yakking:/
You really must have th energy to argue w him.
Oh yah,my asshole is just so super 'high-class' to ask for refill for coke(:
I'll buy one whole jug of coke for his birthday then.
Chemistry Retest was super slack:/
I cooperated so much w Daphne.
Thanks for th answers(:
After Retest.
Went to play Basketball?
Played till my hands are aching.
Can't really move my left hand):
Special thanks to Wendell and Lc for your patience to teach th clumsy me:/
Learned th basic shooting techniques:]
My plan is to grow alot taller by next year.
So Basketball is th game.
Starting Afresh in everything.
Walked all th way from th bus-stop to Sembawang's Mrt station.
&th weather these days are just so 'cool'.
Went to Causeway point.
Saw Diana and co th first thing we stepped into Cwp.
Yingling wanted to buy her hair band so went to Chamelon.
Anw,i got a freaking 'surprise' from my dearest asshole man.
Thanks ah:/
Lunched@Pizza hut next.
Okay,lunching w my dearest asshole is just freaking...:/
His just so super-uber 'quiet'?
Just can't stop his mouth from yakking:/
You really must have th energy to argue w him.
Oh yah,my asshole is just so super 'high-class' to ask for refill for coke(:
I'll buy one whole jug of coke for his birthday then.
Chemistry Retest was super slack:/
I cooperated so much w Daphne.
Thanks for th answers(:
After Retest.
Went to play Basketball?
Played till my hands are aching.
Can't really move my left hand):
Special thanks to Wendell and Lc for your patience to teach th clumsy me:/
Learned th basic shooting techniques:]
My plan is to grow alot taller by next year.
So Basketball is th game.
Starting Afresh in everything.
&It's Spanish today.
Farvel readers!
Farvel readers!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Heyyaw readers!
Sadly,it's 2.04 in th morning and i simply can't sleep:/
Just ain't tired.
Love story is getting nicer and nicer.
Download it if you haven't.
Sadly,it's 2.04 in th morning and i simply can't sleep:/
Just ain't tired.
Love story is getting nicer and nicer.
Download it if you haven't.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Shopping;shopping and shopping!:D
When Shopping@City Square today w Mum and Bro.
Bought my slippers,singletsa and TWILIGHT yaw!
Finally got th book.
Didn't have th time to go and buy:/
Yesterday was so...
I felt so left-out at my relative's place cos' most of my dear cousins were simply age-gapping from me:/
They were either adults or young toddlers.
Wanted to go to Ong's place today but she went out.
Couldn't really get hold of her.
Bought my slippers,singletsa and TWILIGHT yaw!
Finally got th book.
Didn't have th time to go and buy:/
Yesterday was so...
I felt so left-out at my relative's place cos' most of my dear cousins were simply age-gapping from me:/
They were either adults or young toddlers.
Wanted to go to Ong's place today but she went out.
Couldn't really get hold of her.
Anw,can anyone tell me when is Chemistry retest please?
I simply don't have th courage:/
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I super ♥ High School Musical 3!--Miss it and you shall regret.
Here to blog(:
Went to Diana's house yesterday.
Her mum fetched us to Cwp.
Then went to meet Ming and Momo at Boots and Shoes.
Ming call us to help her choose slippers cos' she forgot to bring her slippers.
After that,lunched@Pizza hut.
Couldn't stand their comments on my attire yesterday so went to change and bought new slippers:/
Oh god;that made my day really 'great'.
Then met w Bihong,Damien,Kenneth and Wendell.
Trained to Bishan to watch HSM3.
Bought tickets,popcorns and stuff then went in.
I was super excited that time!
Wondering if this episode of HSM3 would be nice.
It was super nice i tell you(:
Th best movie i have ever watched?
Best part out of th 3 parts{:
Catch it or you'll regret.
It was really good.
Th whole story was detailed yet not naggy;you'll just feel it's not enough.
After th movie,th guys wanted to go to th arcade so since we had nothing to do we followed.
Slacked ard then Diana wanted to go buy Bubble tea.
Went down to B1 then went to have Durian Ice w Ming(:
It was nice thou(:
Then went back upstairs.
Thanks Bh for treating us to play(:
Played basketball w Ming;Oh gosh,we were really lousy but it was really fun!
Then after eating,started playing 'Zhong ji mi ma'.
Was fun yaw!
Th boys kept losing so drank Wasabi+Coke tgt.
They said it was nice thou.
It was really disgusting anw.
Pictures will be uploaded next time(:
We only lost ard 3times.
Our punishment was just to eat Wasabi w Fries:]
Here to blog(:
Went to Diana's house yesterday.
Her mum fetched us to Cwp.
Then went to meet Ming and Momo at Boots and Shoes.
Ming call us to help her choose slippers cos' she forgot to bring her slippers.
After that,lunched@Pizza hut.
Couldn't stand their comments on my attire yesterday so went to change and bought new slippers:/
Oh god;that made my day really 'great'.
Then met w Bihong,Damien,Kenneth and Wendell.
Trained to Bishan to watch HSM3.
Bought tickets,popcorns and stuff then went in.
I was super excited that time!
Wondering if this episode of HSM3 would be nice.
It was super nice i tell you(:
Th best movie i have ever watched?
Best part out of th 3 parts{:
Catch it or you'll regret.
It was really good.
Th whole story was detailed yet not naggy;you'll just feel it's not enough.
After th movie,th guys wanted to go to th arcade so since we had nothing to do we followed.
Slacked ard then Diana wanted to go buy Bubble tea.
Went down to B1 then went to have Durian Ice w Ming(:
It was nice thou(:
Then went back upstairs.
Thanks Bh for treating us to play(:
Played basketball w Ming;Oh gosh,we were really lousy but it was really fun!
Then after eating,started playing 'Zhong ji mi ma'.
Was fun yaw!
Th boys kept losing so drank Wasabi+Coke tgt.
They said it was nice thou.
It was really disgusting anw.
Pictures will be uploaded next time(:
We only lost ard 3times.
Our punishment was just to eat Wasabi w Fries:]
Now or Neverrr!:D
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Romeo,save me!
Had PTM today.
So woke up at 6,bathed packed then went out w mum(:
Took bus when we reached Sg.
So took 911 to school.
When th bus reached Interchange,saw Alex;w his mum.
Then went up to th classroom.
Then Ms gan and Edward de cruz talked to my mum.
Said about how to improve my Chemistry results and stuff.
Then talked about my Absentism.
I've decided to go into a JC anw.
I'll aim SAJC then(:
Must try really hard for this school.
Fckin' hard to get in.
Have to really chiong next year.
Thanks Ms gan for th advicing:}
Then momo came to wait for me outside th school gate.
Walked to her house.
Then she cooked Noodles for me;since i didn't know how to cook):
Thanks alot:D
She accompanied me back to school to meet Yingling.
Yingling's PTM conversation is truly a funny one!
You go there and listen then you'll really laugh till you die man.
Going for HSM3 tmrw.
Watching on th First day it's launching and th very First cinema time slot;1.30pm.
Watching probably at Vivo(:
Anyone interested(last call)?
Anw,i've decided to learn Italian on th net(:
It's simply cool.
Anw,It's italian today.
So woke up at 6,bathed packed then went out w mum(:
Took bus when we reached Sg.
So took 911 to school.
When th bus reached Interchange,saw Alex;w his mum.
Then went up to th classroom.
Then Ms gan and Edward de cruz talked to my mum.
Said about how to improve my Chemistry results and stuff.
Then talked about my Absentism.
I've decided to go into a JC anw.
I'll aim SAJC then(:
Must try really hard for this school.
Fckin' hard to get in.
Have to really chiong next year.
Thanks Ms gan for th advicing:}
Then momo came to wait for me outside th school gate.
Walked to her house.
Then she cooked Noodles for me;since i didn't know how to cook):
Thanks alot:D
She accompanied me back to school to meet Yingling.
Yingling's PTM conversation is truly a funny one!
You go there and listen then you'll really laugh till you die man.
Going for HSM3 tmrw.
Watching on th First day it's launching and th very First cinema time slot;1.30pm.
Watching probably at Vivo(:
Anyone interested(last call)?
Anw,i've decided to learn Italian on th net(:
It's simply cool.
Anw,It's italian today.
Romeo & Juliet;ily!
Currently darm addicted to Taylor Swift's-Love story(:
It's my current blogsong.
Darm nice i tell you.
Th lyrics are just super meaningful.
Yingling loves it too!
We were both young, when I first saw you
close my eyes and the flashback starts
I’m standing there, on a balcony of summer air
I see the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
You say hello, little did I know…
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said “stay away from Juliet”
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don’t go…
And I said…
Romeo take me somewhere, we can be alone
I’ll be waiting, all there’s left to do is run
You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess,
It’s a love story, baby, just say yes
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet, because we’re dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little whileOh, Ohhh
Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter,
And my daddy said “stay away from Juliet”
But you were everything to me
I was begging you, please don’t go…
And I said
Romeo take me somewhere, we can be alone
I’ll be waiting, all there’s left to do is run
You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess
It’s a love story, baby, just say yes
Romeo save me, they’re trying to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it’s real
Don’t be afraid, we’ll make it out of this mess
It’s a love story, baby, just say yes
Oh, Ohhh…
I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town
And I said
Romeo save me, I’ve been feeling so alone
I keep waiting, for you but you never come
Is this in my head, I don’t know what to think
He kneels to the ground and pulled out a ring and said
Marry me Juliet, you’ll never have to be alone
I love you, and that’s all I really know
I talked to your dad-you’ll pick the white dress
It’s a love story, baby just say…yes…
Oh, Ohhh…
Oh, Oh, Ohhh…
We were both young when I first saw you.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
My worst fear has gone for i have achieved my wish(:
School was as per normal.
Till 'Spring cleaning' came.
Which i now strongly think they should change th name to 'Annual go-wild carnival':/
Cos' people just make use of Spring cleaning to play water or fool around while only a few little people really doing their serious business:x
Sad to say,i'm in th first group;that is,to make use of Spring cleaning to play w water.
Actually i didn't had th idea of making myself wet):
Then,Wendell started splashing water at me.
Tic for tac,i splashed him back;w more water.
And this time,there was no end to it alrd.
And this time,there was no end to it alrd.
Made myself cold and wet after thatD:
Thanks for th jacket(:
Yingling was actually gonna follow our class to NYP for th so-called Ice-cream course.
Then,Mrs Eng told her to go w her own class and so,i was left alone:/
I really dread th feeling of loneliness manxszxsc!
Especially after today.
Got a call from Wendell that freak me out of my life:x
Was so worried it was real then i will be guilt-ridden for th rest of my life man!
Better not play this kind of tricks next time.
Not only made me scared;people i told were worried for you all too.
But it was okay w Minghui;since she's really nice(:
So fooled around in th lab;w serious moments as well:]
Then,took pictures w Yanhong!
Then homed w Yingling and Christine.
Going for a Haircut w CYD tmrw(:
Pictures we took at URA(w/o editing;lazy;x)---
S.yl;C.swl;L.jl;T.xh--Hello planet!
3Taitai's,what you all doing?o.0
Formal lady shot:x
I have to go for PTM tmrw for my visiting th Absent Centre too often:/
But at least,i got what i want(:
Congrats to Alex for successfully promoting to Sec4E.
Told you no problem alrd(:
Congrats to Yonghao for successfully promoting to Sec2E.
Lastly,congrats to me too:)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I's simply too happy today,If what it's real(:
School was as per normal just that i got th answer i wanted but i'm still not sure:/
Next,went to URA centre w Aspire.
Xiaohui and Serene joined in too.
Was as fun as expected:]
First started,all were darm low.
Then after Jieling's idea of imitating th people on th posters,we became so HIGH!
Took many pictures;we went there to take pictures more than to do th worksheet:/
Bingfeng joined in th 4 girls lame photographing too:x
He even imitated really humorously.
Ohyah,thanks Mr henry qwek for th food(:
My relatives have arrived from KL.
Gonna go out for dinner soon.
I'll post th pictures after editing and getting them(:
Lastly,it's Portuguese today.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Yingling's house-CAMWHORE!
Went to Yingling's house on sunday in th evening.
As usual,after surfing on th computer,went into her room.
Then i suddenly came up w an idea.
Why not off all th lights and just on th lamp.
So we off-ed th lights of th room and started camwhoring w th...LAMP:/
Yingling hasn't send me all;but i've a few in hand(:
Okay.Here are th pictures:
As usual,after surfing on th computer,went into her room.
Then i suddenly came up w an idea.
Why not off all th lights and just on th lamp.
So we off-ed th lights of th room and started camwhoring w th...LAMP:/
Yingling hasn't send me all;but i've a few in hand(:
Okay.Here are th pictures:
Okay.I look fckin' retarded:x Hahah.
Omg.Retard T_T
Pictures at Yonghao's house;a long time ago:
High school musical 3--My fav!
I wanna watch this show desperately!
I've been a huge fan only since last year;thanks to my dear cousins from aust(:
I watched HSM for like 4times?
Then HSM2 for 3times.
I've decided to go for th Singapore City gallery w Yingling's class tomorrow if possible cos' our class is going on Friday;which is th launching of HSM3.
So i'll just squeeze into their class tmrw after school(:
Result slip's tomorrow?
Not sure.But Christine said we're getting them back tmrw:/
Hmm.Just leave it to fate:]
I'm booking th tickets for HSM3 tmrw or Wednesday probably?
Or i suppose that th cinemas will be fully booked;x
Anyone interested in going?
Then i'll book th tickets together if possible.
Today,it's goodbye in Norwegian.
I've been a huge fan only since last year;thanks to my dear cousins from aust(:
I watched HSM for like 4times?
Then HSM2 for 3times.
I've decided to go for th Singapore City gallery w Yingling's class tomorrow if possible cos' our class is going on Friday;which is th launching of HSM3.
So i'll just squeeze into their class tmrw after school(:
Result slip's tomorrow?
Not sure.But Christine said we're getting them back tmrw:/
Hmm.Just leave it to fate:]
I'm booking th tickets for HSM3 tmrw or Wednesday probably?
Or i suppose that th cinemas will be fully booked;x
Anyone interested in going?
Then i'll book th tickets together if possible.
Today,it's goodbye in Norwegian.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
How amazing is th world man?
Since i'm just so bored,i've found some really interesting stuffs to post.
So sit back and enjoy:)

This bridge is situated between Sweden and Denmark. As you can see from above,The bridge (or should it be called tunnel) goes under water to allow movement of ships.
How wonderful is this artitecture?
And now,i shall show you the house;note,th house of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the former president of the United Arab Emirates and rule of Abu-Dhabi.

Th interior design of their house.

Th luxurious toilet.

What a scene(:


Probably their lounge/tv room?

Night view of their house.

If only this is my house.Hahah!
Next up,th laptop that i want;is this(:
Asus Lambogini VX1
It's a product formed by Asus and Lambogini(th car brand);

So sit back and enjoy:)
This bridge is situated between Sweden and Denmark. As you can see from above,The bridge (or should it be called tunnel) goes under water to allow movement of ships.
How wonderful is this artitecture?
And now,i shall show you the house;note,th house of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the former president of the United Arab Emirates and rule of Abu-Dhabi.
Th interior design of their house.
Th luxurious toilet.
What a scene(:
Probably their lounge/tv room?
Night view of their house.
If only this is my house.Hahah!
Next up,th laptop that i want;is this(:
Asus Lambogini VX1
It's a product formed by Asus and Lambogini(th car brand);
Wanna go to th beach?
Next up,world's most beautiful beaches{:

It's in Thailand-Ko Phi Phi Leh.

Virgin island-Trunk Bay

Scuba diving in Trunk bay,Virgin islands.
Lastly,Dubai's hotel--th world's only 7-star hotel[Hotel Burj Al Arab]

Sky view of th hotel.

Night view.

This ride (Rolce Royce) picks you up and takes you to the Burj during your stay at the hotel.

This is just an example of the average bedroom at the Burj. Notice the door in the back? No room is an average room. They are all kingly suites.

Just one of your AVERAGE bathrooms at the Burj.

Just a small sub section of the lobby area.

Look at this helipad high up top the Burj. Many athletes have gone up here and played games. Tennis players like Andre Agassi and golfers like Tiger Woods have all hit balls from top far into the water.

How wonderful is it to stay in a hotel like this eh?
Check out th price anw.Hahah.
You will have a shock of your lives too.
Today,it's goodbye in Portuguese.
Next up,world's most beautiful beaches{:
It's in Thailand-Ko Phi Phi Leh.
Virgin island-Trunk Bay
Scuba diving in Trunk bay,Virgin islands.
Lastly,Dubai's hotel--th world's only 7-star hotel[Hotel Burj Al Arab]
Sky view of th hotel.
Night view.
This ride (Rolce Royce) picks you up and takes you to the Burj during your stay at the hotel.
This is just an example of the average bedroom at the Burj. Notice the door in the back? No room is an average room. They are all kingly suites.
Just one of your AVERAGE bathrooms at the Burj.
Just a small sub section of the lobby area.
Look at this helipad high up top the Burj. Many athletes have gone up here and played games. Tennis players like Andre Agassi and golfers like Tiger Woods have all hit balls from top far into the water.
A beautiful view of the Burj inside. Those fountains you see are everywhere and they are automatic. They put on a nice dance show.
The patterns you see on the wall are all made of real gold. I don't even want to know how much was spent by the Dubai government constructing this materpiece.
How wonderful is it to stay in a hotel like this eh?
Check out th price anw.Hahah.
You will have a shock of your lives too.
Today,it's goodbye in Portuguese.
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