Ate steamboat for dinner last night.
It was superb i can say(:
Going out to celebrate my birthday one day earlier tonight w my family:D
Went out early this morning to th temple to see my idols who came from taiwan!
It's ethan ruan and chen qiao en.
They came to advertise 'Ming zhong zhu ding wo ai ni' or you're my destiny in english(:
Chen qiao en is really pretty.
Her body's colour tan is beautiful and nice{:
Ethan is nice looking too.
He's really those kind of innocent and nice looking guys that you would like^^
Handsome him and pretty her.
Lastly,Chen qiao en has a really mixed-blood look.
Actor and actresses always look even better looking in real life(:
She actually smiled and waved at me man!
When she looked in my direction,i quickly smiled at her and she waved at me(:
Memorable man!
Enough of blogging.
I'm gonna go finish studying my ss:B
Adios Amigos!♥
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