Firstly,Happy birthday to my dear sister;haley!
May all your wishes come true(:
How should i put it?
I'm really touched to th bottom of th universe today.
Cos' i got th present i would most like to receive(:
I love all th presents that people gave me.
I will treasure everyone's but one particularly.
I cannot believe i really got my Adidas jacket man!
I'm still thinking whether it's a dream:/
Thou it's not th one i wanted to have but it's similar and better?
Hahah.Thanks alot once again(:
No words can be used to describe my feelings now.
Sorry to waste all of your money:x
Heard from asyraf that haley went for a diet to save th money to buy it;sorry for making you go on a diet to save up:/
Once again,many thanks to haley,weixiang and all those who shared to buy it for me:]
I will really treasure th jacket and make sure no dirt's on it(:
I will still ask my father to buy another type of adidas jacket for me thou{:
Cos' he actually wanted to buy th white+silver one for me.
So,we'll see(:
Next,my dear asshole--Asyraf actually bought 10Lollipops+2 given later for me(:
Oh ya,thanks haley's zhizhi for th present too(:It's cute.
Hahah.Was really touched cos' my asshole actually bought me things for my birthday:}
Thanks dear asshole!
Hahah.You rockkk!
Once again,thanks alot everyone for th presents,wishes and memories!
I will never forget it for a lifetime.
With ♥ & sincerity,
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
My birthdayyy!:D
My best friend and my good friend{:
Th memories given can never be taken away.
That's my best friend w her boy+friend(:
Liangchen,alex and wendell:/
Th star couple of th year.LOL!
Was overjoyed today?
Firstly,thanks to all who wished me happy birthday via texting,blogs,friendster,personally and etc.
I really thank all of you guys truckloads and i appreciate it deep down from th bottom of my heart!(:
Met diana after school today and bused to causeway to eat.
Went to mac to eat.
Then discussed how to zheng twin and bh.
Called bh and call him to come earlier to discuss our plan(:
So met at library and chatt-ed.
I realised something;i shiver for fear and terror like i just had a nightmare when i see my dear asshole:/
He's like a never leaving sprit beside you cos' he's plainly and simply irritating:x
Alex th cutie came(:
He's just so cute lah!
Talk to him like gonggong one.
Met wendell and liangchen soon and we went back to cwp to walk around to wait for christine they all.
Decided to eat mac while waiting.
Saw yueming,cheryl they all th minute i went in.
They wished me happy birthday;Thanks(:
Damian came.
Christine,yingling and huiteng came shortly.
Damian bough chocolates from cold storage.
Gave me one for my birthday(:
Ate-ed and train-ed to Chinese garden.
Went to Jurong's swimming complex to play water.
Thou i was totally wet after that.
Finished,packed and train-ed back to woodlands.
Went to foodcourt to eat(:
I ate my udon again:]
Something happened today but not gna say in detail(:
I'm 15 years old now but still pathetically immature manxszsxc!:/
Aiyo,nevermind luhs(:
Thanks everyone again!
Really thanks truckloads and i swear i appreciate tonnes!:]
Memorable day today is(:
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Thanks for th memories(:

Ate steamboat for dinner last night.
It was superb i can say(:
Going out to celebrate my birthday one day earlier tonight w my family:D
Went out early this morning to th temple to see my idols who came from taiwan!
It's ethan ruan and chen qiao en.
They came to advertise 'Ming zhong zhu ding wo ai ni' or you're my destiny in english(:
Chen qiao en is really pretty.
Her body's colour tan is beautiful and nice{:
Ethan is nice looking too.
He's really those kind of innocent and nice looking guys that you would like^^
Handsome him and pretty her.
Lastly,Chen qiao en has a really mixed-blood look.
Actor and actresses always look even better looking in real life(:
She actually smiled and waved at me man!
When she looked in my direction,i quickly smiled at her and she waved at me(:
Memorable man!
Enough of blogging.
I'm gonna go finish studying my ss:B
Adios Amigos!♥
Friday, September 26, 2008
Counting down to moments.
Happy 15th birthday to Ohyanyannn!
Hahah.May all your dreams and wishes come true(:
Had english eoy today.
I think i did quite badly for paper one but average for paper two?
Hope i can pass bahs.
I so wna go out after th exams(:
Can eoy just pass faster?Faster?
Hahah.May all your dreams and wishes come true(:
Had english eoy today.
I think i did quite badly for paper one but average for paper two?
Hope i can pass bahs.
I so wna go out after th exams(:
Can eoy just pass faster?Faster?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Australia;you're truly mesmerising(:

Sydney's harbour bridge(:

Th opera house;it's th first thing i saw after i got out of th airport onto th taxi.

Baking of th unsuccessful butter cake.

Th street's of australia;sydney.
I miss my cousins in australia and of course australia suddenly:/ Maybe it's because during th Leonis interview today th researcher asked me something about migrating to australia. My heart's there but my body and soul is here:x

Didn't have to go to school together cos' we took th mother tongue paper alrd but had to go for leonis:/
Met Xiaohui at Causeway point then bus-ed to school.
Did th survey w daphne and interview-ed w kenneth.
Kenneth actually has a point of view for his country(:
Homed and studied Social studies(:
Finished studying chapter 5.
Started finding my motivation and confidence back:]
I gotta get good results for my eoy this time so i will start mugging;
Good luck charmaine!
With ♥,
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Randomm stuffs:/
Lunch-ed at cwp's Food court today.
Went w Ongong and twin.
I ate udon(:
Yay!I haven't been eating it for ages:/
Then Bihong and Alex came.
At first to pass twin her chocolate.
Bihong wanted us to teach him Chinese so we went to th library.
Christine did most of th teaching although i was th one who promised him:/
I was just slacking and crapping around most of th time.
Saw Daphne,xiaohui and jieling.
Went to look for them and bihong and alex left.
Joke-ed a little while then th three of us went down to meet Diana(:
Bus-ed home.
399092! ♥
Went w Ongong and twin.
I ate udon(:
Yay!I haven't been eating it for ages:/
Then Bihong and Alex came.
At first to pass twin her chocolate.
Bihong wanted us to teach him Chinese so we went to th library.
Christine did most of th teaching although i was th one who promised him:/
I was just slacking and crapping around most of th time.
Saw Daphne,xiaohui and jieling.
Went to look for them and bihong and alex left.
Joke-ed a little while then th three of us went down to meet Diana(:
Bus-ed home.
399092! ♥
Wait till her true colours show.


We meet w our crossroads of life;i met mine just awhile ago(:

I'm kidnapped:x
Asyraf will be really happy man.
But it isn't true.
I'm sorry to dissapoint you;Asyraf(:

I look retarded but she's my ultimate love!:]
Picture of me on th day of my uncle's wedding lunch(:
Th bride is beautiful.
Fyi,she's a thai-chinese so yeah.
Will post more pictures later when i get back from dinner.
Till then,Bye!♥
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
That's life:/
Special thanks to haley for your blog post(:
Thanks really loads:]
Thanks to all who stand-ed by me in my times of 'depression':}
Really appreciated^^
Thanks agn(:
You will never see her faults.
It's always my fault:/
What kind of world is this?
Thanks really loads:]
Thanks to all who stand-ed by me in my times of 'depression':}
Really appreciated^^
Thanks agn(:
You will never see her faults.
It's always my fault:/
What kind of world is this?
Asyraf sucksssss!:/
This post is specially dedicated to our dear Asyraf!
Can you just scram off?
Disturbing.Annoying.Irritating.Those hurtful words from you are enough to make a person collapse mentally:/
I really can't take it anymore!
Scram man;Bustard!
you are just one shitty ass lah.
Stop those things;for once pleaseD:
Can you just scram off?
Disturbing.Annoying.Irritating.Those hurtful words from you are enough to make a person collapse mentally:/
I really can't take it anymore!
Scram man;Bustard!
you are just one shitty ass lah.
Stop those things;for once pleaseD:
Monday, September 22, 2008
So many problems that i have to face:/
Just why have my results become like this?
I really didn't want or dream of something like this will happen):
Just what went wrong with me?
So many problems that i have to face:/
Just why have my results become like this?
I really didn't want or dream of something like this will happen):
Just what went wrong with me?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Dined w family @ Baco restaurant.
It's sort of a european restaurant(:
Th food there is nice.
I love th mussels!
They rock man:]
Going for my mother's brother's wedding lunch in Singapore tomorrow(:
It's held at four season's hotel so we gotta' leave msia early tomorrow.
Kindda' excited to see my cousins who have been staying in Hong kong since a few years ago{:
Lastly,i changed all my links as you can see below to certain characteristics you have or up to my imagination.
It's just random(:
Please do not mind(:
Or tell me if you prefer another name.
It's sort of a european restaurant(:
Th food there is nice.
I love th mussels!
They rock man:]
Going for my mother's brother's wedding lunch in Singapore tomorrow(:
It's held at four season's hotel so we gotta' leave msia early tomorrow.
Kindda' excited to see my cousins who have been staying in Hong kong since a few years ago{:
Lastly,i changed all my links as you can see below to certain characteristics you have or up to my imagination.
It's just random(:
Please do not mind(:
Or tell me if you prefer another name.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Love is in th air for my best friend(:
Celebrated Wendell's Bday @ Pizza hut today(:
Only me,huiteng,christine,bihong,damian and of course th birthday boy went.Th other's went for Npcc as heard from them.
At first Christine and Wendell were too shy to utter a word;
but after our 'breaking th ice' session they soon started talking bit by bit(:
It's okay.Take one step at a time:]
After that many persuading things happened(:
Anw,i bet wendell is freaking happy today.
Happy birthday(:
Heard some overwhelming news today from yuying:/
Totally shock i tell you.SHOCKED!
Can't believe it man.!
Maybe it's untrue.You know his mouth;it's 'faulty':/
School was same w Asyraf around.
You should know what i mean(:
Going to celebrate Wendell's bday tomorrow;
With ling and Christine?
But i didn't get him any present):
No time:/
But i persuaded Christine to buy for him(:
I'm one good persuader.
Totally shock i tell you.SHOCKED!
Can't believe it man.!
Maybe it's untrue.You know his mouth;it's 'faulty':/
School was same w Asyraf around.
You should know what i mean(:
Going to celebrate Wendell's bday tomorrow;
With ling and Christine?
But i didn't get him any present):
No time:/
But i persuaded Christine to buy for him(:
I'm one good persuader.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Fcuk my lifex:
Life is getting harder and harder to pass.:x
I tried giving in;yet you came back and told everyone that it's all my fault and that i'm not willing to admit it.
So,let it be.
Life is fkin' difficult to pass):
I so wanna leave here,leave this place:/
It's all my fault.
Just what on earth went wrong?
I'm all puzzledD:
Academically;i dropped like fkin loads:/
Friendship;LOL.It's even worst lah):
I so wna cry):
Come to think of it,life is really meaningless.
What should i live for?
I envy those who can migrate overseas.
So they can escape from reality over here and start life afresh;All afresh(:
Isn't that great?
Like th whole world doesn't know you there.
There won't be horrible people there i think.
I just lost one of my friends.
Tho i don't know th reason:/
She's just gone.
Just different towards me;from th past:x
Everything has gone from positive to totally black:/
Anw,many thanks to Best c.s,Haley,Ronnie and many more for cheering me up today(:
Well;actually not only today.Almost for th past one to two weeks.
And thanks for th sweets too.
I tried giving in;yet you came back and told everyone that it's all my fault and that i'm not willing to admit it.
So,let it be.
Life is fkin' difficult to pass):
I so wanna leave here,leave this place:/
It's all my fault.
Just what on earth went wrong?
I'm all puzzledD:
Academically;i dropped like fkin loads:/
Friendship;LOL.It's even worst lah):
I so wna cry):
Come to think of it,life is really meaningless.
What should i live for?
I envy those who can migrate overseas.
So they can escape from reality over here and start life afresh;All afresh(:
Isn't that great?
Like th whole world doesn't know you there.
There won't be horrible people there i think.
I just lost one of my friends.
Tho i don't know th reason:/
She's just gone.
Just different towards me;from th past:x
Everything has gone from positive to totally black:/
Anw,many thanks to Best c.s,Haley,Ronnie and many more for cheering me up today(:
Well;actually not only today.Almost for th past one to two weeks.
And thanks for th sweets too.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Friendship is always irreplaceable;i understand(:
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Won't be blogging so much since eoy is coming(:
Might be blogging only once or twice a week then.
Till then,bye♥
With ♥,
Might be blogging only once or twice a week then.
Till then,bye♥
With ♥,
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Got back my results yesterday.
Dropped quite a bit;failed one subject-Chemistry:x
Nevermind(:I will work harder for this coming eoy:]
Went to yonghao's house early yesterday(:
I mean early in th sense as earlier than everyone.
Went there to camwhore.LOLs!
Took loads of pictures there{:
Will upload them bit by bit.
They are mostly really random so bear with it.
When to wanqing's house to find her but her mum said she was sleeping so walked back to yonghao's house and went into yeonsheng's room to take pictures.
We went really wild man!
Chinese tuition was cancelled today because my teacher is sick.
Hope she gets well soon(:
With ♥,
Dropped quite a bit;failed one subject-Chemistry:x
Nevermind(:I will work harder for this coming eoy:]
Went to yonghao's house early yesterday(:
I mean early in th sense as earlier than everyone.
Went there to camwhore.LOLs!
Took loads of pictures there{:
Will upload them bit by bit.
They are mostly really random so bear with it.
When to wanqing's house to find her but her mum said she was sleeping so walked back to yonghao's house and went into yeonsheng's room to take pictures.
We went really wild man!
Chinese tuition was cancelled today because my teacher is sick.
Hope she gets well soon(:
With ♥,
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Listen to my pain.:x
Everything is changing around me.
I feel so depressed:/
It's like your friends are acting up weird with you):
I really wna know what you are thinking.
I have my group of friends okay;i can't possibly only stick to you:/
I feel that my group of friends are nice so i go out with them more often.
That's just th answer for you.
And you.
Your attitude towards her changed;
You once told me you hated her and now,you seem to have changed:x
your attitude towards me has changed and its really making me confused,sad,frustrated and depressed):
Ms tan even talked to me today;about my results:/
She said my results in term 3 is going down th slope.
I cried agn.I know i shouldn't but i seriously just can't help it):
I myself alrd knew my results have deproved and i was sad too;myself.
Then she asked me to learn more from Christine and stuff and said i should be more enthusiastic and not sleep in class after i've finished her work:/
All this problems are enough to make me collapse.
I've had enough of everything lah!
To haley and asyraf,
I didn't mean to really write what i wrote in my previous post:/
Just that you all really suan-ed me to an extent so i couldn't endure it anymore.
Sorry for th curse anw asyraf;i wouldn't have said all those if you didn't curse my family:/
Sorry to all for my mistakes):
Sometimes i really don't mean what i say.:x
Just understand me and you'll understand.
Thanks diana(:
I feel so depressed:/
It's like your friends are acting up weird with you):
I really wna know what you are thinking.
I have my group of friends okay;i can't possibly only stick to you:/
I feel that my group of friends are nice so i go out with them more often.
That's just th answer for you.
And you.
Your attitude towards her changed;
You once told me you hated her and now,you seem to have changed:x
your attitude towards me has changed and its really making me confused,sad,frustrated and depressed):
Ms tan even talked to me today;about my results:/
She said my results in term 3 is going down th slope.
I cried agn.I know i shouldn't but i seriously just can't help it):
I myself alrd knew my results have deproved and i was sad too;myself.
Then she asked me to learn more from Christine and stuff and said i should be more enthusiastic and not sleep in class after i've finished her work:/
All this problems are enough to make me collapse.
I've had enough of everything lah!
To haley and asyraf,
I didn't mean to really write what i wrote in my previous post:/
Just that you all really suan-ed me to an extent so i couldn't endure it anymore.
Sorry for th curse anw asyraf;i wouldn't have said all those if you didn't curse my family:/
Sorry to all for my mistakes):
Sometimes i really don't mean what i say.:x
Just understand me and you'll understand.
Thanks diana(:
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
You are just one irritating asshole.
Saying about me is enough to make me pisseddd:/
Yet today you started linking to my family and saying that they will die.
I tell you;th day you die we haven't even die.So don't worry;bloody asshole!:x
Hope retribution will come onto you immediately;either brain infection again,mouth or your *!:/
So pissed w him again:x
Lunched@Pizza hut today(:
With Baddy D,Sexy Ling and Twin!(:
Ate,talked and jieling left for her Np meeting.
Daphne wanted to go hunt for a new swimsuit.
So we went to Metro first,Royal sporting house,Sportslink and finally Kiddy palace(:
Then left.
How would tomorrow be?
Saying about me is enough to make me pisseddd:/
Yet today you started linking to my family and saying that they will die.
I tell you;th day you die we haven't even die.So don't worry;bloody asshole!:x
Hope retribution will come onto you immediately;either brain infection again,mouth or your *!:/
So pissed w him again:x
Lunched@Pizza hut today(:
With Baddy D,Sexy Ling and Twin!(:
Ate,talked and jieling left for her Np meeting.
Daphne wanted to go hunt for a new swimsuit.
So we went to Metro first,Royal sporting house,Sportslink and finally Kiddy palace(:
Then left.
How would tomorrow be?
Monday, September 8, 2008
PTBB;th cool group(:
Ling and cutie(:
What are you doing,ling?:x
Ugly and ling(:
C and Y!
Th maddies:]
I was so feeling so terrible in school today but did anyone feel it?
Both of you were teasing me about th Malaysia and Singapore thingy and took my things and worst still------poured Syafiqah's pink powder on me:/
Felt really pissed and irritated man!
How can people be so terrible?Non-stop teasing and irritating me):
Anw,went out after school with Baddy D and Xiaohui to pizza hut to eat lunch(:
Hahah.Was funny lah.Laughed about PTBB and her BYL-ness:x
Then joked around and stuff then after eating walked around causeway point to wait for Jieling and Christine(:
Then Jieling came and we walked to Popular.
I bought stationeries,Xiaohui bought sweets and Baddy D bought ''push-pop's'':D
It's okay(:No need to be paiseh one{:
They didn't state th age for eating push-pop's:]
Then i met up w Christine,Twin,Deejin and Amos then Christine bought 2 Photo Albums but i don't know it's for what purpose:/
But she said it's for some Exco thingy(:
Then went home w Christine and Twin{:
Talked and separated at Msia custom.
It's so random;my post today(:
Be direct;please don't beat around th bush:xIt's puzzling me:/
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I'm so gna die:x
I'm so dead:x
I slacked for this whole 'important' holiday!
Just so don't have th mood to get down and study,revise or even do my homeworks):
School's reopening tomorrow and i definitely gotta' wake up!
Wake up charmaine!
Continue to slack and you're so gna flunk your e-o-y:/
That memory that i would never forget(:
I slacked for this whole 'important' holiday!
Just so don't have th mood to get down and study,revise or even do my homeworks):
School's reopening tomorrow and i definitely gotta' wake up!
Wake up charmaine!
Continue to slack and you're so gna flunk your e-o-y:/
That memory that i would never forget(:
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Treasuring times for now;and ever!(:
When out for dinner w family just now(:
Ate sea snails{:
Hahah!It may sound slimy but its delicious man!:D
Miss all my friends in school and i wna see and talk to them!
Christine;you're finallyy back from your OBS camp and i wna see you!
Hahah.Called christine immediately after i came back and we chatted for an hour(:
She told me th interesting things in OBS and th problems they faced during th stormy days:x
'Xin ku ni men le!'
Daphne,xiaohui and loads more are also back(:
Saw xiaohui yesterday but i can only see daphne in school on monday(:
So miss teasing yanyan w her:]
Daphne,honoured eh?{:
Ate sea snails{:
Hahah!It may sound slimy but its delicious man!:D
Miss all my friends in school and i wna see and talk to them!
Christine;you're finallyy back from your OBS camp and i wna see you!
Hahah.Called christine immediately after i came back and we chatted for an hour(:
She told me th interesting things in OBS and th problems they faced during th stormy days:x
'Xin ku ni men le!'
Daphne,xiaohui and loads more are also back(:
Saw xiaohui yesterday but i can only see daphne in school on monday(:
So miss teasing yanyan w her:]
Daphne,honoured eh?{:
Thanks for th memories!
Went for 2Ach's BBQ yesterday(:
Omgosh!I went there to be poured flour and smashed by cakes:/
It was difficult to wash lah!Hahah.
But thanks so much all those who went yesterday to help th september babies(including me) celebrate our birthday earlier;or rather much earlier:}
Thanks again!<3:D
Sorry weixiang and chenglip for getting you all smashed by th cake although you all were 'innocent':x
Couldn't ton so after reaching there,playing volleyball,played with flour/cakes and after playing with fireworks then cabbed to bugis w Twin and Asyraf(:
Then train-ed back to Woodlands and took 950{:
Then we didn't know that th bus we took was th last bus and in th end we had to walk across Singapore custom to go back to M,sia custom:/
Hahah.But it was quite fast cos' we both rushed back(:
Reached home at 1?
Bathed and slept{:
Going for Chinese tuition at 2 later on(:
Went for 2Ach's BBQ yesterday(:
Omgosh!I went there to be poured flour and smashed by cakes:/
It was difficult to wash lah!Hahah.
But thanks so much all those who went yesterday to help th september babies(including me) celebrate our birthday earlier;or rather much earlier:}
Thanks again!<3:D
Sorry weixiang and chenglip for getting you all smashed by th cake although you all were 'innocent':x
Couldn't ton so after reaching there,playing volleyball,played with flour/cakes and after playing with fireworks then cabbed to bugis w Twin and Asyraf(:
Then train-ed back to Woodlands and took 950{:
Then we didn't know that th bus we took was th last bus and in th end we had to walk across Singapore custom to go back to M,sia custom:/
Hahah.But it was quite fast cos' we both rushed back(:
Reached home at 1?
Bathed and slept{:
Going for Chinese tuition at 2 later on(:
Friday, September 5, 2008
Shopping week(:
Went to City Hall,Suntec Convention Hall and Esplanade yesterday(:
First,when to Bishan;Junction8 to repair my handphone as well as buy my bro a new phone w my mum(:
He got Samsung F(i forgot th number) and i regretted buying my W910i th other time:x
It's so D:
I have slacked for th whole of this holidays and i am officially pronounced DEAD!
I've hardly done any revision):
Going for 2ach's BBQ now(:
Hope it will be fun:]
First,when to Bishan;Junction8 to repair my handphone as well as buy my bro a new phone w my mum(:
He got Samsung F(i forgot th number) and i regretted buying my W910i th other time:x
It's so D:
I have slacked for th whole of this holidays and i am officially pronounced DEAD!
I've hardly done any revision):
Going for 2ach's BBQ now(:
Hope it will be fun:]
Thursday, September 4, 2008
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