Firstly,tests have all come to an end and i am seriously happy with that(:
Yesterday,i must say a thousand and a million thanks t Missy cheng hui ru;Daphne for helping me find my phone back:/
It was found missing after me and daphne took 900 from her house to Cwp):
Luckily she was clever enough to call my phone and check who picked my phone up(:
Clever daphne*claps* & lucky me*claps again*!Hahah!:D
Then we met up with Jieling,yueming,yingling,xiaohui,tingting,keatying,yimin,baoshuang,serene and elizabeth.
Train-ed t Orchard---Far east plaza first but some of us couldn't get th vest that we wanted:/
Daphne,Charmaine(me),Yingling,Jieling,Baoshuang,Yimin and Keat ying then cabb-ed t Bugis{:
Found more choices there and th prices are also more than reasonable so all of us bought th things we wanted there:]
Jieling,Daphne,Yingling and me then train-ed back t Woodlands and shopped at Cwp for a lil' while more:}
Got our shades and i went back w twin!
Finally,Be-yourself-day babes!
Hahah.Was quite fun taking pictures(:
Th teacher's day concert was not a bad one too:]
Quite interesting{:
Th best part of th day was after school(:
Went out with Ho mingming(yueming),Laughing queen(xiaohui),Baddy D(daphne),Sexy Babe(jieling).
Went to have lunch at pizza hut(:
Yingling went to:]
Then th rest of us went to AMK hub.
Jieling wanted to watch a movie but they haven't start showing it at AMK so we went to take neoprints instead{:
Th atmosphere was sort of low today but we all went wild and high after th 'Wahlao eh' thingy(;
Started pushing each other about:]
Then went to buy bbt(:
Talked and played about some pictures;specifically mine and daphne's.
I was laughing madly till i pulled Ming's and Jieling's hands:/
So sorry about that(:
Bus-ed back to Woodlands again(:
Most of us fell asleep during th journey but still managed to camwhore a lil':]
Pictures will be posted tomorrow{:
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