Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I failed my chemistry:XActually,our whole class failed chemistry and i think sarah leong is fully responsible for it:XShe is such a 'good' teacher that the whole class fails chem:XHow i wish we could have another better chem teacher and kick her away(:

I got 42/100 for chem and the highest is 44/100 i think:X
Haixs.It's ok 3respect.We'll try hard the next term(:Show to sarah leong 3Respect's power!:D

Today's results:
Chem-42/100[totally dissapointing=sarah leong to be blamed:D]
Physics-69/100[Still not confirmed cos' Mr chong is still adding marks for us]
Hope can touch on 70 for physics and Congrats to daphne for scoring the 2nd highest for geography in our class(:

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