taking a picture in the dark... me starting to punch her.hahaxs:D

punching her once again.xD
miie zilianning;X me and yingling starting to get into a fight:D
zilian again.hehexs.xD
taking pictures in the dark;D
''WONG LAO SHI IS TRANSFERRING TO RAFFLES INSTITUTION!!''xiangyi said this during recess and we were like...SHOCKEDDD!!:XX.WE really LOVE wong lao shi alot...haixs.but rest assure that we will give ue moral support and wish ue all the best wong lao shi!!;D.hehexs.JIAYOUS!!xD.ALL OF US LOVE UE!!;Dwe will do our best for our chinese 'o'level this year and try 2 score an A for ue!!xD.3hcl LETS NU LI!!;DDD.
today we got back our english marks.hehexs.ie was very happy as ie thought ie would just pass...THANKS GOD SO MUCH and MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS ME!!xD.ie got 22/25.today's a-maths common test the time for it was very tight and ie think ie got the wrong answer for the last question:XX.anyway,ie have tried my best!!;D.JIAYOUJIAJIAYOU CHARMAINE!!UE CAN DO IT;nike sprit.xD.hahaxs.when home with christine;diana and yingling 2day.hehexs.was very funny as usual and was taking some pictures;' MADLYYYY' with yingling[twin] in the car while waiting to fetch my mum and bro.hahaxs.look at the photos above to see how mad we were.xD.hahaxs.BYE!!thats all for today:D
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