So on th third day,we went to th Strawberry farm.
Bought th products made from strawberry there.YumYum! ^^
Had strawberry-vanilla ice cream there.Its darmdarm nice :D
5stars for it !

Fresh strawberries that are sour but awesommeeee~ 

Aiyo Ling ah,why eat till so poor thing? :P

All th plantations there form a nice scenery; its full of greens there :)
Went for steamboat because th weather was sososososo cold,omg.
I was having flu non-stop :/

Drink th nice naturally-sweet herbal tea :D


See,th steamboat has a long tube-thingy.Cos' theres charcoal inside it forming th fire.
Cool right??

Charmaine wins :] hehe.

My dad is cooking so happily :B

oooohh,nicenice (:

In japan!HAHA.

We had lunch cum dinner@ Room18 (Berjaya times square).
Th food there is not bad man :D hehe.

HAHA,Ling scouting ard for shuai-ge's :p jkjk.
After eating dinner,we went around shopping!
th things there are sososo cheap :)
got alot of th clothes/dresses/jackets there.
No wonder many ppl always say KL things are cheap,its true! :]

Big bag small bag ^^ haha.

After shopping,all our legs were tired so headed for Starbucks to slack:]

We all started to get hungry,so Ling treated us Krispy Kreme's donuts !!
She got us a dozen of them,nice leh?jealous?hehe.

Th donuts are srsly th best in th world i tell you.
JCO also can't fight them ;B
Th last time i ate them was in Aust,and now i found it in KL.*happyhappy!*
(laogong got see this?) haha ;p
Give her a kiss for th donuts (:

Aftermath,my dad drove us all up to Cameron highlands :D
and thats where we are now :)
Th scenery's so pretty here,but its coldcold&cold man ~